5 Reasons Your Facebook Ad Campaign has no REACH - For  🔥Course Creators/Coaches🔥 

🔥Course Creators/Coaches🔥
Since we are at the peak of fourth quarter and the scramble to show your Facebook Ad campaigns takes its toll, I will highlight several reasons why your Facebook Ad campaign may not reach the right people.
🔥The clarity in your Offer🔥
If you have an offer that has no real clarity, then you can spend hours wasting time asking why no one is engaging with your ad. For this reason, you need to make sure that what you are offering is crystal clear. If you are selling a course on Instagram, then state clearly what this course is about and how it can help your audience. Often, it is quite normal for people to spend 5 weeks creating the “perfect” course only to find that no one is interested.
This is one area a lot of people tend to overcomplicate but in fact, it is pretty easy. If you have dialled in audience and know exactly the type of “interests” to target, then you won’t have a problem. However, you can have the best product in the world but showing it to the wrong audience, then Facebook will penalise your ad campaign and will scrutinise your ad account until they give you the “ban” hammer.
🔥Wrong Creative🔥
If you have a great offer and have a dialled in targeting audience, then the last thing you want is to have a weak creative. For example, if you are selling a course on how to play the piano and use an image of a snake, then this will have an effect on the overall engagement with your ad campaign. Facebook is placing greater emphasis on user experience and not to undermine trust between Facebook and its users.
🔥Text on Image🔥
To clarify Facebook is not going to ban you if you have text in your images. However, Facebook is openly encouraging people to put most of your text in the text area of your ad instead of the ad image itself. Does that make sense? Believe it or not, even numbers are considered as text. For this reason, I openly encourage my clients to have less text on their creatives.
🔥Audience Size🔥
If the size of your audience is too small, then you are going to have a problem reaching the right number of people. Over the years, the Facebook Algorithm has become so advanced that you can get away with bigger audiences. For this reason, when conducting Facebook Ad audits, I still see the same issue - people are not utilising the Facebook Pixel or even using lookalike audiences properly.

Written by Manny Hanif

Manny Hanif

Manny Hanif helps coaches, consultants and info sellers grow and scale their business using Facebook Advertising. Manny has coached over thousands of students across the world and has spoken at events all around the world and has also been featured on TV and Radio. He has spent in excess of $1 Million on Facebook Advertising and has managed to become one of the leading Facebook Ad marketers in the world.
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